it ok....
nothing really to do though. the health bar is kinda dumb you never know how much damage you take.
it ok....
nothing really to do though. the health bar is kinda dumb you never know how much damage you take.
on the shaft level you get stuck one one part or at least for me. i couldn't get passed it.
Sorry. At least it saves your progress.
i think i speak for every one when i say its so obvious. i mean i think every one saw the ending. that it was in the top left corner. lol i saw it commin.
ummm ok.....
that was ok i mean too short and really to easy. you gotta start some were and i think you have potential. next time, make it longer and a little harder maybe.
That was an awesome game, just amazing. Really just what the hell was that thing that attacks you, like the guy down a bit said pig. it was really funny. when you jumped out the window i did not expect to die. and the music when you fight Satan just classic. Also I saw fat man. All in all a freaken epic game.
Thanks! I dunno what the 'pig' is. Except a guest appearance from him in the sequel though! Hehe, the fat man.
EPIC it is!
geats to hard..
eventually it zooms out too much though i got 8034491538. nice game. some of the things you lose to many lives on.
well lets see when you go off screen too much you can never get back and the controls are rong. The game says wasd when it really is the arrow keys
fun but to short really cool and original. i liked it
nice games
there are a ton of effects they are really cool and fun to play with.
Nice game!
Age 90, Male
Joined on 7/17/08